Bank finances import of goods from third countries other than India where payment is made through SWIFT Transfer or Demand Draft.

Import Loan
Corporate Loan FAQ
What Type Of Loan Is Corporate Loan? Who Can Avail It?
Loan provided to create the fixed asset for manufacturing /service/trading and to meet working capital requirement to run the business units. Manufacturing units, Hospitals, Schools, Hospitals, Importer/traders can avail this loan.
What Are Funded And Non Funded Loan?
Funded Loans are like Fixed Term Loan, Hire Purchase Loan, Overdraft Loan, Demand Loan, Trust Receipt Loan in which the fund of the Bank is directly used.
Non-Funded Loans are like Letter of Credit, Bank Guarantees in which the fund of the Bank is not directly used; but there is obligation of the Bank to repay the amount in case of default by the client/applicant. In case of default by the client, Bank has to repay the amount converting the non-funded exposure to funded exposure (forced loan).
What Is Revolving And Non Revolving Fund?
The fund required on re-curring basis is known as revolving fund and the fund required for certain time only is known as non-revolving fund. Overdraft, Demand Loan (revolving), Trust Receipt Loan are the examples of Revolving Loan and Fixed Term Loan, Hire Purchase, Seasonal Working Capital Loan are the examples of Non-Revolving Loan.
Where Do I Fit In Corporate Banking – I Run A Small Shop?
If you run a small shop, you may most likely fit in Retail/SME than in Corporate. Based on your requirement you may fit in Corporate banking as well.
Where Do I Need To Apply?
You may apply in your nearest branch of Himalayan Bank Ltd. There are currently 42 branches of Himalayan Bank Ltd. all over Nepal with 16 branches within Kathmandu Valley. You can visit our website for the detail of our branches along with addresses, contact numbers and name of concerned Branch Manager.
What Sector Do You Financed?
We finance in manufacturing, service and trading sectors.
What Is The Maximum Amount I Can Borrow Under Corporate Loan?
We will accommodate your requirement irrespective of loan size if the project is feasible; through sole financing or formation of consortium as required.
How Is Corporate Loan Eligibility Determined?
The eligibility of Corporate loan is determined based on turnover, income provided to the Bank and the loan size.
How Long Does It Take To Get My Application Processed And My Loan Sanctioned?
Based on your nature of requirement and loan amount, processing time may vary. Once the complete documentation is submitted to the branch, loan can be sanctioned within two weeks.
What Security/Collateral Do I/We Have To Provide?
Besides the primary security like hypothecation of stock with insurance coverage and assignment of receivables for working capital loan, you will have to provide Fixed Asset Collateral (land and building) owned by the company/promoter (s) or the immediate family members of the promoter(s) and Personal Guarantees of the promoters/Directors.
What Are Bank Guarantees?
Bank Guaratnee is the undertaking from the Bank that the Bank will make payment to the beneficiary at its request upon default by the applicant. The Guarantees are provided for bidding (Bid Bond), carrying out projects (Performance Bond), receiving advance to carry out the project (Advance Payment Guarantee), to customs (Custom Bond), etc.
What Is Letter Of Credit?
Letter of Credit is the undertaking from the Bank that it will make payment to the beneficiary Bank as per LC terms (at sight or after usance period) if the document received is clean.
What Are Packing/Credit Pre Shipment Loan?
Packing Credit Loan is provided to the exporters for working capital financing (for purchasing/ importing raw material and converting the same to finished goods) against the export LC received by the Bank. The same has to be settled from the export proceeds.
What Is A Post Shipment Loan?
Since, it takes certain time to receive the payment after the goods are exported, financing is provided to the exporter against the export documents to meet the immediate requirement of the fund. This post shipment loan has to be settled upon receipt of export proceeds.
What Are Trust Receipt /Importer’s Loan?
Trust Receipt loan is provided for post import financing. The customer may not be able to make entire payment to the beneficiary at the time of LC document retirement. Hence, the financing in the form of Trust Receipt is provided for working capital financing. The loan has to be settled upon receipt of the fund/cash after completion of cash conversion cycle.
What Are Trust Receipt /Importer’s Loan?
Trust Receipt loan is provided for post import financing. The customer may not be able to make entire payment to the beneficiary at the time of LC document retirement. Hence, the financing in the form of Trust Receipt is provided for working capital financing. The loan has to be settled upon receipt of the fund/cash after completion of cash conversion cycle.
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Project Financing includes various projects like Manufacturing, Hydro Power, Airlines, Hospital, Hotel e.t.c.