Specially designed saving account scheme for the individuals who are opening Bank Account for the first time to encourage banking. The new account opened under this scheme will receive Rs.100.00 from the bank.

Specially designed saving account scheme for the individuals who are opening Bank Account for the first time to encourage banking. The new account opened under this scheme will receive Rs.100.00 from the bank.

3.10% Mero Pahilo Bachat Khata

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  • Zero Balance Required
  • Interest calculation will be done on daily balance and accrued interest will be posted on quarterly basis.

Product Benefits*

  • Rs. 100/- credited by bank to individual's account.
  • Accidental Death Insurance: for value up to four times the monthly minimum balance maintained in the account at the time of incident with maximum ceiling of Rs. 500,000/-
  • Deposit Guarantee of up to Rs. 500,000/-
  • Simplified KYC


*Conditions Apply


A deposit product designed for home banking to the High Net Worth Individual/Senior Citizens completing age of 60 years/Differently able individuals from sound financial backgrounds.

A deposit product designed for home banking to the High Net Worth Individual/Senior Citizens completing age of 60 years/Differently able individuals from sound financial backgrounds.

4.85% Subidha Savings Account

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  • Minimum balance of Rs. 1,000,000/-
  • Facility of breaking down the minimum balance into Rs.0.50 million as minimum balance and Rs.0.50 million as fixed deposit of any tenure.
  • Interest Rate calculated on a daily basis and credited on a monthly basis subject to periodical review.
  • Home Banking Service for Account Opening, delivery of Cheque book and Statement, Cash withdrawal, Cash/Cheque Deposits.
  • Home delivery' service of Birthday Card and Cake.

Product Benefits*

  • Free Credit Card with cumulative limit of 250,000/- for 1 applicant and 1 supplementary Card for family member.
  • 10 paisa rebate of USD sale/buy
  • 0.25% less on the published premium on the prime lending rate on Consumer Financing Scheme.
  • 50% discount on all ancillary services like Locker annual rent, Swift Transfer, etc.
  • Accidental Death insurance: Insured amount to be four times the minimum balance in an account during the Nepali month of the accident, subject to a maximum of Rs 500,000/-
  • Deposit Guarantee of up to Rs. 500,000/- in line with regulatory requirement of Nepal Rastra Bank
  • All other terms and conditions shall be similar to Normal Savings Account.


*Conditions Apply
