
  • 10% discount on Food and Beverage
  • 10% discount on rooms based on tariff rates.

नियम र सर्तहरू

  • Offers not applicable during events, banquets and offers.
  • Discount must be claimed before the bill is generated.
  • A valid Customer ID such as HBL debit/credit card, SMS Alert, E-mail notification, cheque, etc. must be presented.



  • Kuttal Marga, Dhulikhel
  • Mobile No:985131142
  • E-mail: info@himalayadrishyaresort.com
  • Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/himalayadrishyaresort/?ref=py_c
  • Booking.com: https://himalaya-drishya-resort-thapathali.booked.net/